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Sensor Board

This board is located on the bottom of the robot and has the task of following the line.
Sensor board includes:
IR Sensor's
Apds 9960's

We used 34 IR sensor's to follow the line, It has a receiver and transmitter , infrared waves are from 300GHZ to 430 GHZ and the length of these waves are from 1mm to 740nm.

We could use a lots of things to detect red and green color but we choose APDS9960 Because it was more accurate and cheaper. We used two of them in the robot.

Also we used multiplexer's because we didn't have enough pin's, 4051 and 4052 multiplexer's.

We used Ams1117 because the input voltage of our color sensor (APDS9960) is 3.3Volts and our battery's are 12Volts so we need to reduce the voltage, you may ask yourself why didn't we use Resistor's to decrease the voltage , because it will be destroyed and we should use a lots of them and it will occupy a lots of space and the main reason is regulators make our voltage stable but resistors wont.


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