This board includes:
Atmega2560 Microcontroller
LM2596 Regulator
USB to Serial converter
LM2596 Regulator provides the input voltage of our Microcontroller , our battery is 12 Volts but our microcontroller needs 5 Volts.
LM2596 is a switching regulator, you may ask yourself why did we used a switching regulator, because linear regulators heat up and for decreasing its temperature you should use a fan , cooling pad , etc. And because they occupy a lots of space we used a switching regulator , they don't heat up to much so it doesn't need a cooler. (regulator's have two types switching and linear)
If we use the switching regulator by it own our microcontroller will destroy so we use a electronic circuit to make it like a linear regulator.
Switching Regulator Linear Regulator
We used ATmega2560 microcontroller it has 256KB flash memory ,8KB ram , 4KB EEPROM memory , 16M crystal and it has 100 pins that 86 of them is programmable. We had a lots of other options but this one was our best option because it has everything that we needed and it has a good price.
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