This board connects our robot parts to the Main Board witch our microcontroller is there.
As you can see in the picture there is a regulator , two capacitor's and two motor drivers on this board.
The regulator that we used in this board is LM2560 linear regulator (this regulator only provides 7 Volts and it doesn't heat up too much so it doesn't need a cooler) and it provides the input voltage of XL-320 Motor witch is 7 Volts.
And we used L6203 motor driver to provide our Main motor (L1990) Voltage and Current. Those capacitors are 1000UF and we used them to reduce volatility, you may ask yourself why didn't we use a 2000UF capacitor instead of a 1000UF capacitor, because a 2000UF capacitor occupies more space.
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